The Strategist

9 Great Tips Wrung Out of Google's Experience

04/20/2015 - 17:04

The whole world is watching Google: the company offers revolutionary solutions changing the life of mankind. Is it possible to apply Google's experience to other business? Of course!

Carlos Luna
Carlos Luna
1. Innovation born everywhere

They can come from below, above or from where you least expect them. For example, one of Google’s doctors insisted that Google has a moral obligation to those who enters a query such as "how to commit suicide." The doctor suggested that in case of receiving such a request, the user would see the hot line service for Suicide Prevention. After the introduction of the function, the number of calls to the service had increased by 9%, and similar decisions were taken in many countries. In this case, there was an innovative solution based on social responsibility.

2. User is first and foremost

Focus on user’s satisfaction, and not on making money. Google has introduced a predictive search, that hints while typing: results appear when the user has entered just a few letters. Google sales managers were worrying that after that, users will see less advertising information, but the company still decided to take a chance. What is the result? With this option, the whole humanity saves about 5 thousand years per year. "Create an excellent opportunity for the user, and money will find you," says Gopi Kallayil. In the case of Google, innovation made search more convenient and therefore more popular.

3. Become ten times better

If you start an innovative project with the idea that something will improve by 10%, then you get a small change. But if you want a radical change, aim a blow to improve tenfold. In 2004, Google launched the Books project, aiming to digitize all the books that have been published in the history of mankind. Google co-founder Larry Page came up with its own scanner, and the first process required manual labor - the pages had to be turned in a metronome’s rhythm. Now Google has scanned 30 million books, libraries around the world are ready to give books to Google, and this project has become truly global.

4. Rely on internal capabilities

Every company has its own best practices. Make a bet on that and you may succeed. Google’s engineers, not being experts in the automotive industry, think about creating a car without a driver after they drew attention to the importance of the human factor in accidents. The new project was based on projects such as Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View. Grounded on proprietary technology, Google engineers created an innovative experimental model, which has already been tested, and will help blind people become more mobile.

5. Always modify the product

Always be ready to modify your own product, and don’t stop. When in 2008 Google was coming up with Chrome, the product was being updated and improved once a month and a half. As a result, now the browser is №1 in many countries of the world.
- Your product may be imperfect initially, but trust the users, they will help bring innovation to the desired quality, - says Kallayil.

6. Give workers 20% of time

Google allows employees to spend 20% of their time on their own innovative products, even if they are not related to the key areas of Google. Google engineers and managers can devote one day a week to work on their own projects. One of the developers, who was going to Spain, was saddened by the fact that he could not get a shot of the hotel where he was going to stop, because it stands on a very narrow street, where a car could not drive. He spent his spare time for the development of the camera, which could be delivered to the place by a special tricycle.

Let workflow will be open to all interested parties. Collective energy helps wonderful innovative ideas to be born. When Google developed the Android platform, the company did not hire the best designers of the world, but simply made an open platform and allow programmers to make their own applications. As a result, more than 1 billion people now use the services on this platform.

8. Don’t be afraid to fail

You should not punish for failure. If something doesn’t work, perhaps you apply insufficient effort. Usually, in case of failure, Google does not remove the service, and divides it into components that will be integrated into other products.

9. Formulate goals that are important to people

- This is the most important principle - notes Kallayil. Google’s employees have a deep understanding of the overall mission. We believe we are working to improve the lives of millions of people.

original by Gopi Kallayil

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