Austria Suspends the Schengen Agreements

01/18/2016 2:05 PM

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann announced that the country's authorities are going to temporarily cancel the Schengen agreement and begin to more carefully check all migrants who want to cross the Austrian border.

SPÖ Presse und Kommunikation via flickr
The head of the Austrian government warned about changing policy towards migrant workers and announced the suspension of the agreement on free movement within the Schengen area.

"Like Germany, we will tighten control over border and deport refugees. Everyone who comes to us should be thoroughly checked. Those who are not eligible for refugee status or who do not submit an application for asylum will be denied entry into the country. The documents must be presented on the border of. If the EU fails to protect the external borders, the future of the Schengen area as a whole will be at risk. Then, each country should establish controls at its borders. "

Earlier, the authorities have announced sharply increased costs of solution for the migration crisis in 2016.  Austria has also started to build "fortifications" at the border for tightening border controls.

Earlier it was reported that the Austrian authorities expect that the cost of accommodation for migrants and refugees in the country in 2016 can amount to 1 billion euro, according to the country’s Finance Minister Joerg Schelling in his report to the European Commission.

Share of the migration crisis’ costs with respect to Austria's GDP in 2016 will grow to 0.3% compared to 0.1% in 2015. On average, the Austrian Ministry of Finance estimated that the annual cost of each person who is seeking refugee status in Austria, will increase from € 9,593 to € 10,724 in this year.

The largest share of the projected € 1 billion will fall on such expenses as housing, food, medical care and employment programs, and integration of migrants into society. For this purpose, it is planned to allocate € 565 million. As expected, another € 345 will be sent to the individual federal states of Austria on the background of the unprecedented influx of refugees.

Past autumn, Austria harbored more than 200 thousand refugees in total. Most of them are heading to Germany and the Scandinavian countries.


