Biden signs record defense budget for 2024

12/25/2023 2:21 AM

US President Joe Biden signed the defense budget for the 2024 fiscal year, according to the White House.

European Parliament
The agreement sets aside $886.3 billion for intelligence services, the U.S. State Department, and the Departments of Defense and Energy for specialized programs. The sum is $28 billion greater than that in the previous year.

The budget includes a $800 million aid package for Ukraine. Simultaneously, it offers more stringent management over the expenditure of cash allotted to Kiev.

Under the terms of the Strategic Arms Reduction and Limitation Treaty (START), the Pentagon is not allowed to engage with the Russian energy industry or give Moscow information unless both the State Department and the Defense Ministry attest to the information's Russian source.

In addition, $14.7 billion in funding is allocated to duties associated with the strategy of "containment of China," namely speeding up arms transfers to Taiwan, educating its armed forces, and expanding the scope and regularity of military drills in the Indo-Pacific area.

