China warns of military response in case of Pelosi's trip to Taiwan

07/25/2022 3:51 AM

China has issued more severe warnings to the Joe Biden government in the United States regarding Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's impending trip to Taiwan, the FT reports citing sources.

Gage Skidmore
China has openly warned of "dramatic measures" if Pelosi makes her scheduled travel to China in August. A source claimed that China is showing "stronger resistance" to the US than before.

Other sources claimed that the utterances went much further, hinting at a potential military reaction, the newspaper notes.

The White House is attempting to ascertain whether China is making serious threats or whether Beijing is still using "brinkmanship" to pressure a U.S. politician into further canceling the trip, according to several sources who spoke with the newspaper.

The possibility of Beijing's response should the Speaker of the House visit Taiwan was covered by China's Global Times on July 19. Later, American President Joe Biden claimed that the Pentagon had a poor impression of Ms. Pelosi's intentions to visit Taiwan.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry admitted that Beijing would take decisive action if the Speaker of the House visited Taiwan.


