EU gives Ukraine 5 million doses of iodine in case of nuclear disaster

10/05/2022 4:08 AM

The EU has dispatched 5 million doses of iodine to Ukraine for a possible event of a nuclear disaster at nuclear power facilities, according to European Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič.

Mx. Granger
The commissioner told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, "We have learnt during the coronavirus epidemic that we cannot wait to react until the crisis starts, therefore now we are trying to forecast future catastrophes."

"We were geared up for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear calamities even before the war. As a result, we were able send 5 million iodine tablets to Ukraine for those who live close to nuclear power facilities," Mr. Lenarčič continued.

The Zaporizhzhya NPP, the biggest nuclear power facility in Europe, is close to the Ukrainian Energodar and is frequently attacked.

On September 29, the Zaporizhzhia Region Governor Yevhen Balytsky said that a drone had been dropped on the facility, causing a fire to start, although the power unit had been spared.

Early in September, an IAEA crew paid a visit to the facility. Rafael Grossi, the organization's leader, issued a nuclear disaster warning.


