Earth's temperature rise may exceed 1.5°C threshold in the next five years

05/19/2023 3:38 AM

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) predicts that global warming will have surpassed the 1.5°C threshold by 2027.

Global temperatures may surpass the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C warming threshold over the course of the next five years and reach historic highs, reports the Wall Street Journal referring to information from scientists at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a department of the United Nations (UN). 

By 2027, there is a 66% likelihood that the yearly average global temperature would be higher than the 1.5°C barrier, according to the experts. Thus, a new phase of climate change may be upon us.

This analysis does not imply that the world's temperature will always be risig above the Paris Agreement's limit of 1.5°C, which refers to long-term warming over many years. However, the WMO is raising the alarm because, according to WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas, we will temporarily exceed the 1.5°C warming level.

