Electric car sales are running up in Europe

05/05/2017 2:21 PM

European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) reports that 213,000 cars with alternative engines (electric vehicles and hybrids) were sold in the EU in the first quarter, which is 37.6% more than a year ago. The most significant increase in sales was shown in the segment of electric vehicles operating on batteries, by 49.0%, to 24.6 thousand cars.

Kirill Borisenko
The ACEA’s release notes "significant growth" of registrations of new cars with engines on alternative fuel - electric vehicles and hybrid cars. The aggregate growth of sales of such cars amounted to 37.6% yoy in the EU, to 212.9 thousand cars. Growth in sales of cars capable of charging from household electricity (this could be both electric cars and hybrids) amounted to 29.9%, to 47.2 thousand. At the same time, electric cars operating on batteries showed the maximum growth in this segment - 49 %, 24.5 thousand

Sales of hybrid cars increased significantly - by 61.6%, to 111 thousand. Even sales of cars with natural gas engines grew by 10.4% to 54.7 thousand. Of all EU countries, the most active in this quarter were Spain (sales grew by 87.4%), Germany (67.5%) and Great Britain (29.9%). A number of countries showed a significant increase in sales of all electric cars. Among them are Germany (117% growth, from 2,332 cars in the first quarter of last year to 5 060 cars in the current year), France (22.9%, from 6 thousand to 7.4 thousand), the Netherlands (84.8%, from 1.1 thousand to 2.1 thousand), the UK (46, 5%, from 3.2 thousand to 4.6 thousand).

In general, following the first quarter’s results, Italy was the largest market in Europe for all cars with alternative fuels (mainly due to hybrid cars). Sales there amounted to 62.3 thousand, or 17.2% more than a year earlier. In second place is the UK - 33.4 thousand, an increase of 29.9%, France, the third, sold 28.9 thousand, and showed an increase of 24.8%.

Earlier, European automotive experts ranked the most popular electric cars on the European car market. Analysts noted the 10 most popular electric-powered vehicles.

The sales leader was the French electric car Renault Zoe, partly thanks to the fact that the car can ride up to 380 kilometers on one charge. This model was chosen by 9083 inhabitants of the European Union (data for the first quarter of 2017). On the second place was the Japanese analogue Nissan Leaf, with 5,940 units sold. The top three is closed the Bavarian compact electric BMW i3, bought by 3956 Europeans.

The top five also included Tesla Model S sedan and Tesla Model X crossover. KIA Soul EV with 1172 copies sold was in sixth place. The seventh place is occupied by Hyundai Ioniq Electric, which sold 1,126 vehicles. The eighth place is taken by the German Volkswagen e-Golf, and the ninth went to his competitor Mercedes B250e, which delivered 814 units. The top ten also includes the Volkswagen e-Up, chosen by 769 Europeans.

source: bloomberg.com
