Gallup: American nation is divided like never before

11/23/2016 1:43 PM

According to a public opinion poll conducted by Gallup, the presidential elections increased proportion of Americans, who believe their country is divided, to a record extent of 77%.

Gallup experts noted that a higher rate was observed only in 2012, when 69% of respondents said that the United States could be considered divided.

"A record 77% of Americans believe that the nation is divided on the most important issues. At that, only 21% believe that the United States are united and are in agreement. Public opinion over the past 20 years show that Americans are more inclined to consider their nation split rather than united.

All major subgroups of polled Americans share the view that the nation is divided. Republicans (68%) are less likely to adhere to this assessment, compared to supporters of independent candidates (78%) and the Democratic Party (83%)." 

Several respondents noted that such sentiments in American society naturally resulted from internal policy of US President Barack Obama. Few months ago, after a mass shooting in the US in July 2016, Barack Obama said: "We are not as divided as we seem."

Last week, Gallup hold another poll. More than half of polled Americans (51%) reported that now they are feeling "more confidence" in President-elect Donald Trump.

These figures are comparable with opinion polls on trust in Presidents Clinton and Bush on the eve of their entry into office. Then, 54% and 53% expressed confidence in Bush and Clinton respectively.

Gallup notes that this is a significant figure, since Trump was far less popular than Clinton and Bush during his election campaign. In November, level of his popularity was only 42%, while Bush and Clinton had these figures at 59% and 58%.

Another important factor is that a much larger number of Americans (40%) said they do not trust Trump (28% and 26% for Bush and Clinton, respectively).

The Huffington Post revealed a split in American society after summing up key takeaways of Barack Obama’s presidency.

It may well be possible that Republicans and Democrats have lived in different countries during the last 8 years. When Barack Obama made a final appeal to the US Congress, he spoke with two different nations. One of them believes that they are living better and happier than almost 8 years ago, when he first took the seat in the White House. They note that the US economy and the country's international position have strengthened. The other part, in contrast, has a completely opposite opinion for each of the questions. 

The newspaper calls them "Liberal America" and "Conservative America". In The Huffington Post’s opinion poll (1000 American adults, 14-18 January 2016), 51% of Democrats said that their lives have improved since Obama took the US presidency. Only 9% among Republicans agreed; for independents and countrywide these figures stand at 23% and 28%, respectively.

Republicans deny the Democrats’ position that their own life has become better, the economy straightened, and the US retained its position of the most powerful state in the world. The party’s split over Obama’s legacy and the country’s line of march as a whole is superior to all other separation lines, such as race, age, state, property.

There’s only one thing the both sides agree with: splintering in the United States has deteriorated in the last eight years. The American nation is divided within itself like never before.

