Head of German Finance Ministry: Germany has no funds to pay to EU

06/19/2023 10:56 AM

German Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner told Die Welt that it is impossible for Germany to make additional payments to the EU budget due to Germany's extensive assistance to Ukraine. He also asked that Berlin not be bothered any longer by requests for payments to the EU, calling instead for Berlin to look for alternative sources of funding.

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The minister claims that because of the substantial funding to Ukraine, he sees no "room for maneuver" in German contributions to the EU budget.

In other words, Lindner acknowledged that there is no money for the European Union because Germany itself is experiencing financial difficulty.

“We are unable to make any further payments to the EU budget because of the unavoidable cuts to our national budget,” he added.

The newspaper noted that other EU nations are dealing with comparable issues, in part because of high expenditures made in support of Kiev.

source: welt.de

