ICAO members agree to reach zero emissions in civil aviation by 2050

10/10/2022 10:46 AM

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) decided on a plan for civil aviation to transition to zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at a meeting in Montreal, Canada.

After two weeks of discussions involving more than 2,500 delegates from 184 countries and 57 organizations, the collective long-term global aspirational goal (LTAG) was adopted.

According to ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar, "At this gathering, governments made great diplomatic progress on an essential matter, such as the sustainability of the future of the planet and the air transport system that serves and connects people across the world." A declaration on the transition to zero emissions by 2050 was approved a year earlier by the Air Transport Action Group (experts and market participants on air transport).

The industrial media reported that during the debates, representatives of China, Eritrea, and Russia made the majority of the program's comments. They said that it would be challenging for developing nations to implement the switch to zero emissions in civil aviation by 2050 and urged rich nations to offer financial and technical support.

source: icao.int

