The Strategist

IDC: Contribution of AI technology to global GDP will grow to $19.9 trillion by 2030

09/18/2024 - 06:55

According to a report by the International Data Corporation (IDC), the overall economic impact of businesses implementing artificial intelligence (AI) advancements is projected to reach approximately $19.9 trillion by 2030.

Romain Vignes
Romain Vignes
IDC predicts that the AI sector will make up 3.5% of the worldwide GDP by 2030.

IDC analysts consider how much companies invest in incorporating AI solutions, integrating them into current processes, and enhancing the quality of products and services provided to both businesses and consumers.

The analysis carried out by the organization indicates that each dollar of business investment in AI solutions and services will result in $4.6 for global GDP through both direct and indirect effects.

Approximately 48% of IDC participants foresee some of their job responsibilities being automated by AI solutions and other technologies in the near future. Around 15% of participants anticipate the automation of a majority of their job tasks, while 3% predict complete automation.

IDC notes that although strong AI adoption will have a negative impact on certain tasks, new roles like AI ethicists will be created within global organizations.
