The Strategist

Italian Senate allows to bring Salvini to court

02/13/2020 - 05:56

The Italian Senate has allowed instituting proceedings against former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, Italian media reported.

thierry ehrmann via flickr
thierry ehrmann via flickr
The request for depriving Salvini of immunity within this case was sent to the Senate by the tribunal of the Italian city of Catania. The former minister is accused of abusing power while heading the Ministry of Internal Affairs, preventing migrants from entering Italy.

The charges relate to the events of last summer, when Salvini, as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has been preventing more than 100 illegal migrants from landing in Sicily.

Earlier, permission to initiate proceedings against Salvini was given by the Senate Committee on Senator Immunity. Now the Senate has ratified this decision.

In March last year, the Senate Immunity Committee voted against depriving him of his immunity in another migrant case.

Now Salvini, if convicted, can face up to 15 years in prison, the Associated Press agency notes. Also, the investigation may hinder Salvini’s political aspirations, his attempts to withdraw his Lega party from the opposition and become Prime Minister, media noted.

For several months, Salvini himself has been urging his political opponents to send the case to court, where he was going to prove that he was only doing his duty, protecting the country from illegal immigration.
