Labour Migrants From Eastern Europe Are Fascinated by Great Britain

02/19/2016 3:36 PM

Britain’s office for national statistics (ONS) published the latest data on the country's labor market in the fourth quarter of 2015. According to the report, number of migrant workers in the UK from other EU countries has increased over the year by 215 thousand, and reached 2.036 million people for the first time surpassing the 2 million mark.

As indicated in the bulletin published by UK office for national statistics (ONS), number of people working in the UK amounted to 31.5 million by the end of 2015. Of these, 2,036,000 people came to work in the UK from other EU countries. In late 2014, the number of foreign employees in the United Kingdom was less than 215 thousand people (1.8 million), and even less - 1.23 million - in late 2010.  

As the statistics shows, migrants from Eastern Europe prevail in terms of fastest increase in manpower. There is nearly 1 million people working in the UK by now. Number of migrants from Romania and Bulgaria increased by more than 40 thousand people for the year. If we consider 1.18 million migrant workers from non-EU member countries (Africa, India, Pakistan and other), we see that every tenth job in Britain is taken by a person born in another country. The proportion of working foreign nationals now stands at 10.2%, while it was 3.8% in 1997.

Migrants to the UK use the ability to get a job, a stable salary and various benefits. However, the influx of migrants from other countries causes dissatisfaction of many Britons, including the government. Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party, Nigel Evans said that these "numbers can be shocking." "But as long as we remain in the EU, we will not have any control over our borders. When we introduce a living wage, these numbers will only increase without decisive measures,"- he said. EU-output supporters, such as UKIP’s leader Nigel Farage expressed himself even more emphatically. "Mass migration in the EU is continuing, and it undermines prospects of ordinary British workers. Let us come out of the EU and control our own borders, "- he said.

However, this would be the least desirable for residents of Eastern European States. According to a recent opinion poll, ordered by the British businessman and politician Lord Ashcroft, residents of Eastern Europe would most of all like to see the UK as part of the EU with all its opportunities for them here. Two-thirds of respondents were in favor of this – among them are Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Czechs and Lithuanians.

Meanwhile, not only Eastern Europeans but also refugees from countries torn by war are eager for the United Kingdom. Recently, Eurotunnel company, the operator of transportation under the English Channel, has submitted a claim to the governments of Britain and France with a requirement to compensate for its losses in the amount of € 29 million. The losses, as the company claims to have been caused by disruptions in the Channel Tunnel since the summer of 2015, when refugees and illegal migrants trying to cross from Calais across the English Channel on the company's trains. For several months, the operator had been forced to cancel night flights, which is why number of trains in the period from June to October fell by 17% to 2421, causing material damage to the company. In June last year, Eurotunnel asked the Government of France and the United Kingdom for € 10 million to strengthen security measures in the tunnel, so that, as the head of Eurotunnel, Jacques Gunon put it, "no worker could get through the tunnel from October 23, 2015."

