Forbes’ contributor- 20 March 2015- Micah Solomon, a consultant of customer service, offers insightful advices of the experts on the said subject. Entrepreneurs and managers all aim at providing a memorable customer service to their clients which will ultimately ensure a longer lasting consumer-retailer relationship which contributes to the healthy growth of the company.
According to experts, the first and the last impressions are what one carries along. Human mind is programmed in a way that registers distinctly the beginning and the concluding portions of an experience as memorable, while the rest mostly remains blurry beneath the meandering tracks of the subconscious mind.
Similarly, the customer experience can be summed up within the disproportionate impressions of the introductions and the concluding moments; disproportionate because these two moments shadow and colour the judgement of the entire experience. Therefore, in order to deliver a healthy customer service experience to any business clients, one needs to pay extra attention to the impacts created in the minds of the customers as their first and the last impressions.
Thus, it is advised that one goes a little extra mile, with warm smiles, cordial gestures, extra caring service, pleasant compliments and amiable words to “shine extra light” when any customer comes in and leaves your premise, because those moments, highlighted in bold impressions, are what they will carry home.
However, the concept of first impression being an important one is quite well established even in a day to day personal life; whereas the importance of the concluding moments, which is equally required as a balancing quotient of an equation, has been neglected so far. As a result, the concluding words with the customers are mostly rushed over or omitted altogether. It is because, most fail to realise that the stronger and more positive is the last impression, the customer is more likely to come back. Instead, it is a standard practice to move on to the next client in a hurry by simply handing over the bill or the invoice to the previous one with a content heart for bagging a credit for oneself to book a deal.
According to the experts, such practices or rather ‘malpractices’ reflect on an expensive opportunity-cost. It is to the advantage of the future business prospect that the last “goodbye” will add another chapter to the business story by creating the opportunity of a future deal. Therefore, Solomon suggests that one should make a conscious effort to earn the good will of a client through sincere and memorable “parting words”, instead of hastily ending a good service experience with just an “Ok”.
A personalized touch into a dry formal farewell is the key which will create a bond that will last longer. Most importantly, after all said and done, and before you arrive at the “goodbye” note, one should never forget to ask the customer: “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Supposing, the answer to this question comes as “No, thank you,” only then one should proceed to the concluding part.
A personalized farewell or the concluding words would generally include the name of the client which establishes a direct connection. Offering a business card could also be appropriate in such situations. However, in order to add a detailed touch, try to customize the culture and the language of the client and express wishes for a safe journey or an enjoyable coming holiday, as befitted. At times parting gifts like books or vintage cards linked with your business can strike an emotional chord with the customers. In fact, depending on the nature of the business, a hand written follow-up message can prove better than multiple emails.
“Last But Not The Least”- Goodbye Is Equally Important
03/28/2015 - 05:47
Solomon writes that a few memorable parting words are the key to win a customer’s heart. The beginning and the concluding impressions ensure a healthy consumer-retailer relationship.
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