Life expectancy in the US hits record low

12/23/2022 9:42 AM

In 2021, the average life expectancy for Americans was 76.4 years. This was 0.6 year less than the previous year and was the second year of decline. At the same time, the figure for 2021 is the lowest since 1996, according to data from the US National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

According to the agency's report, men's life expectancy in 2021 was 73.5 years, while women's was 79.3 years. Last year, there were 879.7 deaths per 100,000 people in the United States, a 5.3% increase from the previous year. There were 3.5 million deaths in the year, which was 80,500 more than in 2020.

The most common causes of death continue to be heart disease (173.8 deaths per 100,000 people), cancer (146.6 cases), and COVID-19 (104.1 cases). Furthermore, the number of overdose deaths has increased significantly and reached record levels: nearly 107,000 Americans died from this cause in 2021.

In response to the report's data, NCHS's head of statistics, Robert Anderson, told CNN that pandemics are largely to blame for the high mortality rates. COVID-19, for example, has resulted in a 3% increase in heart disease and a 6% increase in strokes.


