The Strategist
Markets & Industries

Germany is losing the solar energy market to China - 05/16/2017

Solarworld, Germany's largest producer of solar panels, has failed to stand a competition with Chinese companies that flooded the solar energy market with inexpensive panels. As reported by Reuters, Solarworld intends to file an application for bankruptcy of the company. The manufacturer noted in a statement that prices on the market have been relatively low for quite a long time. In this regard,...

Developing countries are still a titbit for luxury goods manufacturers - 05/16/2017

Consumers from developing countries, particularly, China, the United Arab Emirates and Russia, remain the main engine of growth in the global luxury market, according to Delloitte’s report. The share of consumers that increased spending on high-end products in the last five years amounted to 70% in these countries against 53% in developed markets (such as the EU, the US and Japan). Over the past...

Analysts: US is putting the screws on oil prices - 05/11/2017

The OPEC countries came to an agreement on extending the oil production restriction to the second half of the year, an Iraqi representative said. This agreement, according to some market participants, can cause significant damage to producers. Stabilization of the market and growing prices will become real if only the US, which once again increased production of shale oil, joins the freeze...

Bitcoin is expected to double the growth rate - 05/10/2017

Rate of bitcoin, the most popular crypto currency in the world, set a new record of value, going over the mark of $ 1,700 and having increased by 45% in the last month. A new surge of interest in bitcoin has already led some analysts to say that the rate of this crypto currency can reach almost $ 4000by the end of the year. Yesterday, the bitcoin rate reached a new record of $ 1,760, thus showing...

Morgan Stanley: OPEC production cuts are just a facade - 05/09/2017

The OPEC member countries have switched to hybrid tactics in the struggle for the world oil market. This is stated in Morgan Stanley bank’s latest review, dedicated to the cartel's policy. Formally, the cartel’s members are fulfilling their obligations to reduce production. In January-March, the implementation rate reached 99%, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). At the same time,...

How Italy became completely dependent on the ECB - 05/09/2017

Italy is relying on the ECB in terms of reducing bond yields, given that foreign investors are hastily getting rid of Italian bonds, thus boosting their profitability. Analytical agency Eurointelligence notes that a sharp increase in the yield of Italian sovereign bonds is another evidence of the outflow of capital from Italy. Bank for International Settlements says that international banks...

China sets off to compete with Boeing and Airbus - 05/08/2017

The first Chinese large passenger airliner C919, created by the state company Comac, rose off the ground on Friday. Beijing hopes that Comac will compete with Boeing and Airbus. However, you can lift an airplane into the air, but may not be able to withstand tough competition in the civil aviation market. Given reports that China has allocated $ 317 billion to finance projects using new...

Electric car sales are running up in Europe - 05/05/2017

European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) reports that 213,000 cars with alternative engines (electric vehicles and hybrids) were sold in the EU in the first quarter, which is 37.6% more than a year ago. The most significant increase in sales was shown in the segment of electric vehicles operating on batteries, by 49.0%, to 24.6 thousand cars. The ACEA’s release notes "significant...

Analysts: US car inventory statistics is alarming - 05/04/2017

Situation with the car market of the USA looks alarming. Sales have been falling for the fourth month in a row, while number of cars in warehouses increased to the level of the 2009 crisis. First of all, let's go back to the sales statistics. For all major brands, the data turned out to be worse than forecasts and showed a decline. The drop in sales has been observed for four months in a row, a...

Second round of Canada's housing bubble - 05/02/2017

Fate of the largest Canadian non-bank mortgage lender Home Capital Group has been determined over the weekend. The company faced an outflow of almost 70% of deposits, and announced attraction of an extremely large credit line for 2 billion Canadian dollars to provide liquidity. The situation frightened the shareholders, the papers fell by 10% and destroyed two-thirds of the company's market cap...
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