The Strategist
Markets & Industries

Wind Breaks Records in Energy - 07/30/2015

According to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the first half of this year was a record by the number of coastal wind power generators. Power capacity of the installed electric turbines in this period surpassed 200% and amounts to 2.34 GW. In a total, 584 of the new wind turbines were set, which is 160% more than the same period of 2014. According to a report published today by the...

As per Emmanuel Macron, French Taxi laws need rethinking - 07/30/2015

Uber’s ride sharing service had caused widespread violent protests in France. France’s traditional taxi drivers have a reason why they are being so protective but, Macron thinks that the two can co-exist. France Economy Minister, Emmanuel Macron, has announced that with the arrival of Uber on the ride sharing scene, there is an urgent need to update the legislation for taxi services. He has...

Crooks Promote Price Rise in London - 07/27/2015

Foreign crooks launder billions of illicit dollars, buying property in London, which affects the value of real estate, said the British National Agency for the fight against crime. According to head of the department for combating economic crime Donald Toon, property prices in London are rising due to the fact that crooks and criminals from abroad "want to hide their money here in the United...

OPEC: Playing Against the Market - 07/24/2015

The strategy of the OPEC and Saudi Arabia to keep production levels, apparently, gives its fruits. However, the cost of such solutions can be very high even for the OPEC. In November 2014, the market was waiting for the response on the traditional OPEC price drop, but the cartel decided to act quite differently. At the same time, when everyone thought that the market has all the prerequisites...

US Coal Industry is Dying - 07/23/2015

Coal industry of America has entered into uncharted territory. After decades of non-financial indicators and dominance in the electricity sector, coal mining companies are on the verge of collapse. And it happened faster than anyone could have expected. The second quarter clearly showed that the deterioration of financial performance is going too fast, particularly, it deteriorated in the last...

Chin-Up Courage of Tourism - 07/22/2015

Double shock, caused by the massacre in Tunisia and the financial crisis in Greece, sent tourism industry’s stocks into a tailspin. Nevertheless, in recent years, this industry has shown ability to easily adapt to the new conditions of work more easily and even takes a stock of vitality. Most likely, it will recover fairly quickly. This would be good news for shareholders, but at the time, we...

The Greenback is on a bull run against the Yen - 07/21/2015

Ever since the Federal Reserve suggested that it could up interest rates in September, the USD has seen great heights. Question is - will the bull run take it to its historic high? With an official of the Federal Reserve suggesting that U.S interest rates could go up, as early as September, the dollar got an additional boost and was seen hovering at levels which are its five-week high versus the...

Foreign firms are eager to tap into the boisterous Iranian economy - 07/20/2015

The opening up of the Iranian economy presents a great business opportunity for a wide variety of business concerns. With the thawing of U.S Iran relationship, investors are racing to invest funds into Iran, which so far was out of bounds. Last week’s nuclear deal made this possible. MNCs are naturally trying to get a foothold in the $400 billion economy.   Although there are some who are...

The Great Fall of Gold Prices - 07/20/2015

The first since 2009 disclosure of gold reserves in China turned into a big sale of the precious metal. On Friday, the gold price fell to the lowest since 2010, and has been reduced by 2.2% by today. With the opening, the prices fell even more - nearly 5%, platinum prices also showed a strong collapse, losing in an instance about 5%. Published on Friday, data on gold reserves occurred to be below...

The Saudis Trigger a New Price War - 07/17/2015

Saudi Arabia continues a price war for market share - only this time, the market of diesel fuel was struck by the blow. The Kingdom has long been the world's largest supplier of crude oil, but now it decided to increase the supply of diesel fuel. In itself, this means the beginning of a new price war with competitors in Asia. Saudi Arabia is the largest consumer of gasoline in the Middle East,...
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