The Strategist
Markets & Industries

Leap in Prices of US Real Estate - 07/07/2015

Housing prices in the US rose 1.7% in May, against the backdrop of limited supply in the US real estate market, according to CoreLogic report released Tuesday. In annual terms in May, housing became more expensive by 6.3%, showing the maximum growth in 10 months. - Mortgage rates on 30-year loans remain below 4% in May, which had a positive impact on purchases, - said Frank Nothaft, chief...

A.M.Best Special Report - 07/07/2015

The environment of the present interest rate is giving Europe’s back up plans a difficult time. The biggest safety net providers are presently adequately promoted and have broadened portfolios that have the capacity to withstand low interest rates, however smaller specialty organizations will be unable to withstand yields staying low for an extended period of time. A report from A.M. Best titled,...

Mergers and Acquisitions are Back on Track - 07/06/2015

By the end of the second quarter of this year, the volume of global mergers and acquisitions, as recently reported media company Thomson Reuters, grew by 34.6% compared to the same period in 2014 - up to $ 1.33 trillion. This is only slightly less than the record $ 1.41 trillion reached in pre-crisis 2007. Activity in the market of global mergers and acquisitions will increase with a peak in 2017...

Philip Morris set to sell its stake in Indonesian Cigarette producer Sampoerna - 07/06/2015

So as to comply with the Indonesia’s newly listed rule which states that every company listed under the country’s stock exchange have a 7.5% of its stock base as a free-float, Phillip Morris is set to sell its stake in Sampoerna. Although, it is not clear when it will do so but it has to be before 30th Jan 2016. As per two confirmed sources, Phillip Morris, the US based cigarette giant, plans on...

Telehealth Video Consultation Sessions To Reach 158 million, Anually - Tractica - 07/02/2015

While numerous components of the advanced healthcare industry are still in their developmental stages, the business for telehealth feature meetings (TVCs) is one that has a firm decent footing and is balanced for solid development in the coming years. TVCs, additionally alluded to as eConsults, eVisits, remote feature counsels, or even the more extensive term telemedicine, are growing regarding...

Spain Becomes the Largest Wine Exporter - 06/30/2015

Wine exports from Spain increased in 2014 by 22% to 2.3 billion liters, what has allowed the country to surpass Italy - the former world's largest exporter of wine in bulk. In value terms, exports of wine from Spain fell by almost 3% to 2.6 billion euros for the previous year. This is obliged to the fact that 55% of exports were made by non-branded wholesale supply. Such products are bottled and...

Minnesota’s Manufacturers are Going Full Throttle towards Better Economy - 06/30/2015

Enterprise Minnesota has conducted a survey on the current business conditions in Minnesota and put forward quite positive data. Prospects on economy growth are high as manufacturers are confident about their growth. Barring a few impediments, chances of Minnesota’s economy flourishing are high. Minnesota’s robust business community have been managing to convert their personal successes into a...

Today’s Energy Market and Natural Gas - 06/30/2015

In the event that natural gas is the easy way out for utilities, why use the political and money related cashflow to construct different sorts of electric era? With bunches of shabby regular gas, its an intense offer. In any case, its one that is essential. Harken back to Enron's high-moving days. A pivotal turning point of the vitality broker's breakdown was gotten on TV, when a representative...

Global Cardiac Rhythm Management Market - 06/30/2015

Cardiac Rhythm administration alludes to a procedure of checking working of the heart through gadgets. Cardiovascular cadence administration gadgets are utilized to give remedial answers for patients experiencing heart issue, for example, cardiovascular arrhythmias, heart disappointment, and heart captures. Cardiovascular issue lead to unpredictable pulse. Mechanical headways and ascend in the...

Global Biotech Industry - 06/30/2015

The worldwide biotechnology industry came to new statures in 2014, setting records on essentially every major money related metric, including incomes, productivity and capital raised. These positive execution markers, joined with a few prominent item victories and an in number year for new medication supports, drove the business' aggregate business underwriting over the US$1t edge without...
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