Michael Bloomberg enters US presidential race

11/25/2019 9:13 AM

The former New York Mayor is betting on moderate political views and “unique experience in business, management and charity.” One of the richest people in the world wants to “defeat Donald Trump and restore America.” If he wins this race, he is ready to be paid just $ 1.

Gage Skidmore via flickr
“We cannot afford another four years of reckless and immoral actions by President Trump. It poses an existential threat to our country and our values. If he gets another term, we can never recover from the damage. Bids cannot be higher. We must win this election. And we must begin rebuilding America,” said the billionaire, whose wealth is estimated at $ 55.5 billion.

“I have the skills to fix what is broken in our great country,” the businessman’s words are quoted on the website of his election campaign. Bloomberg explained that he considers the US economy, health care system, immigration policy and other aspects to be “broken”.

At the same time, the billionaire notes that he has already floored Trump, having achieved toughening of the arms legislation, as well as closure of part of coal-hazardous plants. “I know what needs to be done to defeat Trump, because I already did it. And I will do it again,” the Democratic candidate said, calling Trump “a real threat to our country and our values.”

The 77-year-old billionaire is not going to trifle in “righteous struggle”: he intends to spend $ 100 million on advertising to discredit Trump. At the same time, Bloomberg himself will not appear in this online advertising.

source: bbc.com
