Microsoft Unveiled the True Purpose of "Solitaire" and "Minesweeper"

08/17/2015 2:41 PM

Microsoft has revealed the true purpose of such computer games as “Minesweeper”, “Hearts”, “Solitaire” and “FreeCell”.

All these games have been included in the installation package of earlier versions of Windows operating system for users, perhaps without knowing it, to develop PC-user skills and learn about the possibilities of the OS.

The oldest of four games, “Solitaire”, appeared in Windows 3.0 in 1990. With it, users, most of which were then more accustomed to the procedures in the command line, could master the skills of handling a computer mouse, especially to move icons.

A similar educational function was built in the game “Minesweeper”, added in Windows 3.1 in 1992. During the game, users more quickly trained to use the left and right mouse buttons. The game “Hearts, appeared in the same version of Windows and allowed network, in turn, demonstrated the possibility of network connection technologies NetDDE, developed by Microsoft.

“FreeCell” first appeared in Windows 3.1 in 1992. The game features the abilities of interface Win32s, added to the operating system, which allowed the 16-bit Windows 3.1 to handle data of 32-bit types. If Win32s was installed wrongly, “Freecell” did not start, thereby being the indicator of correct installation of the OS.

Microsoft’s attempts to dispense with these four games in their later operating systems often met outrage of testers companies. The first operating system, which not included these games, was Windows 8, which appeared in 2012. Microsoft returned the "Solitaire" in Windows 10, which went on sale in 2015. “Minesweeper”, “Hearts” and “FreeCell” can be bought up in Windows Store.

