Nepal Quake Aid Set Off

04/27/2015 4:08 PM

Japan allocates 1 billion yen ($ 6.7 million) for assistance to Nepal aftermath of the devastating earthquake that occurred on 25 April. This was reported by the government.

Hilmi Hacaloğlu
A group of Japanese rescue workers and military personnel of national self-defense forces of 70 people flew on the last Sunday in Nepal. They have to deliver tents, blankets and first aid. However, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to the heavy workload of Kathmandu airport, the plane was diverted to the Indian city of Calcutta. It is not yet reported when the Japanese rescuers will be able to arrive in Nepal.

Also, Greece was one of the first countries from the European Union to offer their assistance to the victims. Group of Greek rescue is flying to Nepal to conduct search and rescue operations after the devastating earthquake on Monday evening.
On Sunday, April 26, Valerie Amos, UN Under Secretary General, said that the World Health Organization (WHO) delivered to the affected by the devastating earthquake Nepal medical supplies, calculated for 40 thousand people.
According to her, the structure of the United Nations joined the efforts to respond to natural disasters.
- A team from the World Food Programme is on the cite providing food and trucks for delivery, UNICEF sends tents and medicines, and the World Health Organization has distributed medical supplies to help meet the immediate needs of 40 thousand people, - said in a statement Amos.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.9 occurred on Saturday morning in Nepal. Several aftershocks followed the first tremors. The epicenter was located 82 kilometers north-west of Kathmandu. Center lies at a depth of 15 kilometers. On Sunday, Nepal again was shaken by a series of aftershocks, the magnitude of the most powerful of which was 6.7. According to recent reports, more than 3.7 thousand people became the victims of the disaster, more than 6.5 thousand were injured.

- Upon receipt of Nepal Government’s request for assistance, European Civil Protection Mechanism came into force. The General Secretariat for Civil Defense mobilized the first European national search and rescue teams, consisting of 20 firefighters with two search dogs and the necessary technical equipment. In addition, the team mobilized emergency aid, consisting of a doctor and four paramedics

According to recent reports, the people of Nepal can endure three to 14 powerful aftershocks of magnitude five or more points in the coming weeks. There is a possibility that the Himalayas tremors shake the power of up to seven units on a scale of MMS. This was reported by the US Geological Survey specialists.

Experts have concluded that over the next month more than 30 aftershocks with of force of five or more degrees may occur. Scientists expect hundreds or thousands of small, barely perceptible earthquakes in the following year.
The police told no more than half of all debris has been sifted so far, under which wounded and killed may be.

United Nations task force is in Nepal now, dealing with the assessment of the situation.

source: reuters
