Reuters: US, Britain and the EU put pressure on the UAE over trade with Russia

05/02/2024 10:14 AM

Officials from the US, UK, and EU are applying pressure to the UAE regarding trade cooperation with Russia, according to sources cited by Reuters.

The newspaper writes that Western nations are concerned that Arab businesses might be involved in supplying Russia with dual-use goods.

According to people who spoke with Reuters, a number of Western diplomats traveled to the United Arab Emirates last week and spoke with various local authorities. They requested information on dual-use commodities shipments to Russia and re-exports from UAE officials.

They also asked for details regarding the oversight of businesses that operate in free economic zones. The agency's sources claim that Western leaders are particularly concerned about supply of computer chips, electronics, equipment, and other items with military applications.

A UAE spokesperson declined to comment to Reuters. He did, however, draw attention to the nation's trade prohibition on dual-use goods. Preliminary data, he continued, shows that this year's exports or re-exports of such goods have not been reported.

