SpaceX successfully launches Athena module with cellular communication station to the Moon

02/27/2025 5:21 AM

NASA reported that a Nova-C lunar lander named Athena, developed by Intuitive Machines, has been launched to the Moon. The launch occurred from Cape Canaveral, Florida, utilizing SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket on February 26 at 19:16 local time.

NASA/Joel Kowsky via flickr
The vehicle's landing on the Mons Mouton plateau close to the Moon's South Pole is set for March 6. The module's lunar mission is planned for 10 Earth days.

Athena will perform scientific studies for NASA and evaluate technologies for upcoming human missions to the Moon. The module carries the Trident drill as its payload, which can penetrate the lunar surface to a depth of 1 meter, along with the MSolo mass spectrometer for gas analysis from soil samples. The module will send the initial cellular communication station, a Nokia 4G transmitter, to the Moon.

Athena will additionally provide the Micro Nova Hopper mini-hopper. This vehicle will traverse the lunar terrain by leaping. It will move towards Crater H, an area that is never lit by the Sun (1 km from Athena's landing area). It will look for signs of water and volatile substances there. This is the second landing module from Intuitive Machines, following Odysseus, which touched down close to Malapert A crater in February 2024.

