Terror attacks in 2015 killed 650% more people in developed countries

11/17/2016 2:30 PM

The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) published its annual Global Terrorism Index (GTI) study. In 2015, 92 countries have fallen victims to terrorist attacks. On the other hand, number of sufferers from terrorist attacks began to decline for the first time since 2010. Primarily, researchers link this fact to successful start of military operations against groups like ISIL and Boko Haram (in Nigeria).

Olivier Ortelpa
Despite improving indicators, the researchers note that terrorism continues to spread around the world. 

ISIL, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda and the Taliban are increasingly resorting to new tactics by staging attacks not only on their home field in the Middle East and West Africa, but also in Europe and North America. Sole attackers are also an ongoing challenge.

The IEP notes that figures of 2014-15 years have significantly changed the world situation due to military conflicts in Ukraine and spread of ISIL’s influence.

The most dangerous group in 2015 was the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Last year, they claimed responsibility for deaths of 6141 people in 11 countries around the world. If we include all groups, which associate themselves with ISIL, the number will increase to 28 countries.

These indicators show the widespread ideology of radical Islam: ISIL was supported in only 13 countries in 2013.

In 2015, the highest surge in deaths from terrorists occurred in Syria, this year was the deadliest since the civil war in the country has begun. However, the researchers did not pronounce names of specific terror groups, responsible for the slaughter. The deadliest act of terrorism was committed by ISIL in the town of Al Qaim, where gunmen shot 300 civilians in April 2015. Other terrorist attacks, which came in the list of the most difficult, was a terrorist incident on board a Russian passenger plane Metrojet, killed 224 people, and an attack on the University in the Kenyan town of Garissa, where Al-Shabab militants shot 154 people dead. 

France made the highest jump in the ranking. Only one person was killed in 2014, but an attack on Charlie Hebdo and scattered terror acts in Paris in November in the terrorist attack caused deaths of 161 people in 2015.

Increasingly more people from Central Asian region are setting off to fight for ISIL, yet the researchers put them closer to the list of countries’ end.

Financial damage from the terrorist attacks in 2015 came close to 90 billion dollars, which is 15% less than in 2014.

According to the researchers, not only direct conflicts in countries, but also a number of socio-economic factors fuel terrorism. Probability of a terrorist attack is higher in countries with low socio-economic indicators like career opportunities for young people, faith in the electoral system, level of crime and access to weapons. 

The IEP also points out the published information suggests certain conclusions. Thus, only 0.5% of terrorist attacks took place in countries that are not participating in foreign conflicts, or "are not sponsoring terrorism at the state level."

Iraq, Afghanistan and Nigeria have occupied top of the rating for many years.

source: economicsandpeace.org, independent.co.uk
