Tesla finds a replacement for Elon Musk

11/08/2018 2:39 PM

The American manufacturer of electric vehicles Tesla announced appointment of a new chairman of the board of directors. Her name is Robyn Denholm, and she will replace the company’s founder Elon Musk, resigned in agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Tesla has appointed Robyn Denholm to the post of new head of the board of directors, the company said. She is the finance director of the Australian telecommunications company Telstra, but will leave the firm in the coming months to focus on her work at Tesla. 

"I believe in this company, I believe in its mission, and I look forward to helping Elon and the Tesla team achieve stable profitability and ensure long-term shareholder value," she said.

Prior to joining Telstra, Denholm worked as operations director and executive vice president of telecommunications equipment manufacturer Juniper, and had worked for 11 years at Sun Microsystems, which produces microchips.

She has been working on the Tesla Board of Directors since August 2014. She doesn’t have so many connections with Musk, like other members of the council do, the WSJ said. For example, the company's directors include Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal, SpaceX executives Antonio Gracias and Steve Jurvetson.

“Robyn has extensive experience in both the technology and automotive industries, and for four years she has made significant contributions as a member of the Tesla board to help us become a profitable company. I look forward to working even more closely with Robyn in accelerating the onset of the era of sustainable energy", - said Elon Musk himself.

Musk resigned as chairman of the board of directors of the company within an agreement with the SEC. The commission agreed to dismiss the charges of misleading investors with tweets about Musk’s intention to buy out the company's shares, provided that he left the position and paid a $ 20 million fine.

Earlier, the independent publication Reveal published an investigation into the working conditions at Tesla factories, which are called “inhuman”. Former and current employees complained about regular processing, industrial injuries, stress and indifference of the company's doctors. It was allegedly forbidden for the medical personnel of the company to call an ambulance without the permission of the top management, even if the plant worker was seriously injured.

A former top manager of Access Omnicare clinic, which serves more than ten thousand Tesla employees in California, spoke about tpressure on the company. According to him, Tesla allegedly demanded to refuse treatment to employees. Tesla Vice President Laurie Shelby said she was “very pleased” with Access Omnicare services, as were the employees. Elon Musk complained of “unfair accusations” against the company.

source: wsj.com
