The Washington Post: Hillary Clinton funded investigation against Donald Trump

10/25/2017 2:34 PM

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the headquarters of the US Democratic Party financed the preparation of a "Russian dossier" for US President Donald Trump, writes The Washington Post. The dossier, which contains accusations of links between the head of the White House and the Kremlin and Russian oligarchs, was the reason for the special commission's investigation.

Gage Skidmore
According to The Washington Post, scrapping up a dossier on Donald Trump was handled by Marc Elias, a lawyer who previously represented interests of the Hillary Clinton’s headquarters and the headquarters of the Democratic Party in their campaigns. He hired Washington-based Fusion GPS firm, which, in turn, took into service the dossier’s immediate author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. The newspaper was informed about this by several sources, who wished to remain anonymous.

It is noteworthy that before the Democrats started to fund the investigation against Donald Trump, it was financed during the period of the republican primaries by an "unidentified customer from the Republican Party", that is, competitors of the current president. According to the newspaper, the money flow had been pouring until the end of October 2016, that is, almost before the election. Sources also told the newspaper that the leadership of the Democratic Party was not aware of what goals Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS for.

The file collected by Christopher Steele provoked a scandal in the US. Opponents of the current president are accusing him of links with Moscow and calling him a " Kremlin puppet." As recently as Saturday, Donald Trump demanded from the Ministry of Justice and the FBI "to immediately inform the public who paid for the investigation." Representatives of Fusion GPS declined to comment. A representative of the headquarters of the Democratic Party told the newspaper that "the chairman of headquarters, or any other representative of the leadership were not aware of the "investigation. " "But let's look at things straight: there is a serious federal investigation regarding connection of Donald Trump's campaign with Russia, and society needs to know the truth," he added.

The file collected by Mr. Steele included information that Moscow allegedly consistently collected information that could be used to blackmail the US president. Russia, under the text of the dossier, also helped Donald Trump to win the election. The FBI joined in the investigation of these allegations and has been conducting it up to now. The US president himself denies all the accusations and calls them "witch hunts".

