Turkey dismissed 30 governors

07/18/2016 4:01 PM

Turkish Interior Ministry claimed they suspended from work almost 8 thousand civil servants after the failed coup attempt, undertaken by the military at the weekend. Above other servants, the sanctions affected 30 provincial governors and 47 heads of district administrations.

picture by Minister-president Rutte
Turkey suspended from work 30 provincial governors, reports Hürriyet Daily News. They were subjected to sanctions imposed by the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs after a failed coup attempt, undertaken by the military on the night of July 16th. The country has 81 provinces in total.

47 heads of district administrations also were dismissed from the offices.

According to the publication, the list of persons subject to suspension was sent on behalf of the Turkish Police Chief Mehmet Celalettin Lekesiz.

In total, the Ministry of Interior discharged 8777 civil servants, including 7899 police officers and 614 gendarmes.

The suspended policemen, writes Hürriyet Daily News, were called to the provincial police headquarters, where they were forced to hand over their weapons and identity cards.

During the coup, suppressed on June 16, were killed at least 290 people, including more than 100 supporters of the coup. More than 6 thousand people were arrested on suspicion for involvement in anti-state activities, including high-ranking military and Supreme Court judges.

Among the detained was former Commander of the Turkish Air Force Akin Ozturk.

On the night of July 16, Turkish militants organized a military coup. In Ankara, the Turkish army helicopters attacked government buildings, in particular, the General Staff and headquarters of intelligence. By morning, the authorities took the situation under control. According to recent reports, the clashes killed 104 rebels, and 161 representative of the pro-government forces and civilians. About 3 thousand militarists were arrested for participation in the coup.

The insurgency, first in more than three decades in the Republic of Turkey, resulted in a short but violent clashes in Ankara, Istanbul and other cities. Having retain power with great effort, President Erdogan received the most serious blow during his reign. The coup revealed a split not only in society, but in the elite as well. With regard to international arena, Turkey is losing an opportunity to influence the situation in Syria, Iraq and other hot spots, using the state army as an instrument of policy.

Tough measures against opponents of the Turkish authorities elicited unexpectedly sharp response in the West. Yesterday, Foreign Minister of one of the key EU countries - France - Jean-Marc Ayrault warned President Erdogan that the attempted coup did not give him the right "to mop-up the country." "The requirements of democracy, supported by France, apply to all countries, including Turkey," - recalled the Minister.

The day before, world leaders expressed solidarity with Ankara and condemned the rebels’ actions. This wave of sympathy, however, lasted for exactly twenty-four hours. Moreover, Jean-Marc Ayrault did not limit himself by criticism of Turkish democracy standards. He went further, actually accusing Ankara of insufficient efforts to combat terrorist groups in the Middle East.

"There are grounds for suspicion - it should be honestly admitted," – said Head of the French Foreign Ministry. Earlier, only representatives of Moscow expressed similar accusations against Turkey (especially in the midst of a crisis in bilateral relations after the destruction of the Russian bomber). Western politicians, up to now, have kept a distance.

The thwarted coup also strained relations between Ankara and Washington. President Erdogan demanded that the US extradites its former ally Fethullah Gulen. In response, US Secretary of State John Kerry recalled that first, a request for extradition "should be transferred to the Ministry of Justice in the official form with the necessary documentation", which Ankara has not yet done. Only then, according to Head of the State Department, the request of the Turkish authorities can be considered. That is, the process will inevitably be delayed. President Erdogan, however, is clearly not happy with the answer. At the same time, the Obama administration has made it clear: so far, it has no reason to suspect Gulen in the organized coup attempt on 16 July.

source: hurriyetdailynews.com
