U.S. sets to minimize production and storage of nuclear materials

03/03/2023 10:50 AM

According to Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Homeland Security Advisor to President, the United States intends to reduce production and storage of nuclear materials, including plutonium. At that, she asserted that China is expanding its production of nuclear materials.

Mike Boening
Sherwood-Randall brought up the subject at a meeting held by the nongovernmental group Nuclear Threat Initiative in Washington, D.C. According to the adviser, officials support the secure disposal of nuclear waste.

“This includes concentrating on domestic initiatives to further decrease our plutonium stockpile, which represents a surplus in terms of our national security requirements, and to stay away from technologies that would use or accumulate weapons-usable nuclear materials”, she said.

According to the official, Beijing is "expanding production of nuclear materials to support its rapidly expanding arsenal," while Washington is "working vigorously" to reduce the amount of nuclear material in the world. "It remains to be seen whether China knows the risks of nuclear terrorism associated with this increased production” she continued.

source: cnn.com

