The United Kingdom is making the biggest marine reserve worldwide in South Pacific Ocean. This exceptional reserve will cover the area of nearly cover 322,000 square miles around the isolated Pitcairn Islands, a British ultramarine territory that is habitat of nearly 1,249 kinds of fishes, birds, and marine creatures and also home to almost 50 people. The announcement was made through the budget presentation in parliament.
The government aims to progress with a designation of specially protected marine area surrounding Pitcairn. The exceptional step taken by the UK government for creation of reserve is praised everywhere. With this title, the UK raised the requirement for ocean protection and sets benchmark for other nations to follow. British people are playing a key role in safeguarding the health of oceans. The Pitcairn Marine Reserve will create a refuge of intact ocean body to shield and conserve the prosperity of sea life.
This new reserve is almost three and a half times larger than the mainland of the United Kingdom, even larger than California. It serves as a home for exceptional varieties of sharks, corals, fishes and other marine creatures.
The decision of a reserve by the UK is an attempt to prevent illegal fishing that endangers the species in its waters. No fishing or mining at the sea floor will be permitted in the reserve, except traditional fishing by local people around the island.
About 30% of the UK’s water bodies around the globe are protected and denoted the highest section of a nation’s waters on earth. While, the reserve will turn to be the biggest marine protected area across the world, the network of marine reserves formed around the Pacific islands by the US is overall larger with about 490,000 square miles. For the first time any government has combined the formation of marine reserve along with advanced technology for surveillance as well as enforcing protection throughout the area.
The UK that accounts for more than six million square km of ocean, the fifth biggest ocean area of any country throughout the world. Thus, the country is playing a pivotal role in protecting marine life of oceans. In French Polynesia’s neighbouring islands, many sharks were fished through illegal fishing. And by protection of its natural resources, the Pitcairn is anticipating to fascinate more tourists.
Besides, the establishment of satellite network in order to keep watch over the vessels and determine whether people are fishing in the area and even the species of fishes they are searching for. The data gathered from this program is called Project Eyes on the Seas, which would be handed over to other governments across the world to support fighting against the danger. The system will allow the governing authorities to share the facts of these vessels violating the laws, construct a detailed case against them, track them and take strict actions against them. According to estimates, nearly 20% of the fishing is done by violating national or international regulations, making more than $20 billion on global markets.
The government aims to progress with a designation of specially protected marine area surrounding Pitcairn. The exceptional step taken by the UK government for creation of reserve is praised everywhere. With this title, the UK raised the requirement for ocean protection and sets benchmark for other nations to follow. British people are playing a key role in safeguarding the health of oceans. The Pitcairn Marine Reserve will create a refuge of intact ocean body to shield and conserve the prosperity of sea life.
This new reserve is almost three and a half times larger than the mainland of the United Kingdom, even larger than California. It serves as a home for exceptional varieties of sharks, corals, fishes and other marine creatures.
The decision of a reserve by the UK is an attempt to prevent illegal fishing that endangers the species in its waters. No fishing or mining at the sea floor will be permitted in the reserve, except traditional fishing by local people around the island.
About 30% of the UK’s water bodies around the globe are protected and denoted the highest section of a nation’s waters on earth. While, the reserve will turn to be the biggest marine protected area across the world, the network of marine reserves formed around the Pacific islands by the US is overall larger with about 490,000 square miles. For the first time any government has combined the formation of marine reserve along with advanced technology for surveillance as well as enforcing protection throughout the area.
The UK that accounts for more than six million square km of ocean, the fifth biggest ocean area of any country throughout the world. Thus, the country is playing a pivotal role in protecting marine life of oceans. In French Polynesia’s neighbouring islands, many sharks were fished through illegal fishing. And by protection of its natural resources, the Pitcairn is anticipating to fascinate more tourists.
Besides, the establishment of satellite network in order to keep watch over the vessels and determine whether people are fishing in the area and even the species of fishes they are searching for. The data gathered from this program is called Project Eyes on the Seas, which would be handed over to other governments across the world to support fighting against the danger. The system will allow the governing authorities to share the facts of these vessels violating the laws, construct a detailed case against them, track them and take strict actions against them. According to estimates, nearly 20% of the fishing is done by violating national or international regulations, making more than $20 billion on global markets.