Unilever stands as one of the top global providers of daily goods. The company manufactures items such as Magnum ice cream, Hellman's mayonnaise, Cif cleaning supplies, and Dove soaps and shampoos.
The regulator stated that the CMA's investigation focuses on the company's claims on a variety of cleaning supplies and toiletries.
The CMA is concerned that Unilever overstates how ecologically friendly its products are by using ambiguous language, making general claims about their capacity to be recycled, and using photos that distort the reality of how natural the products seem.
"We will check Unilever's claims to ensure that the company is not misleading consumers," the CMA said.
source: barrons.com
The regulator stated that the CMA's investigation focuses on the company's claims on a variety of cleaning supplies and toiletries.
The CMA is concerned that Unilever overstates how ecologically friendly its products are by using ambiguous language, making general claims about their capacity to be recycled, and using photos that distort the reality of how natural the products seem.
"We will check Unilever's claims to ensure that the company is not misleading consumers," the CMA said.
source: barrons.com