US Air Force are Waiting for a New Strategic Bomber

09/03/2015 3:33 PM

US Air Force began its consideration of applications for the creation of a new strategic bomber. It is reported that the military will choose between two models proposed by corporation Northrop Grumman, as well as a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The winner will be declared in October.

Beverly & Pack,
According to Defense News, on Tuesday the developers presented their plans for a new strategic bomber, which is intended to replace the B-52 bombers and partly the model B-1 and B-2. Later, officials from the Air Force confirmed to the media that they has begun the review process.

The new model, with code name B-3, must meet a number of requirements of the US Air Force - a significant change and improvement of weapons systems, energy consumption, reducing visibility (stealth), possibility to be equipped with hardware and software for the use of nuclear weapons, improvements to carry out tasks under totally unmanned or remote control, improved mode detection and destruction of highly mobile and ground targets. The contract for the delivery of new strategic bombers is estimated at $ 50-80 billion. US Congress intends to monitor closely the implementation of the new program in order to avoid delays and excessive costs. The cost of one machine is estimated at $ 500-600 million.

According to US media reports, the application, submitted by Northrop Grumman and SP Boeing and Lockheed Martin, are very different from each other both in terms of the use of materials and the system of the engine. Although the military did not say when the decision will be taken, experts expect that this could happen as early as October. There should be 21 vehicle in the first batch. In total, up of 150 bombers can be made. It is expected that the new machines will intercede on combat duty in the middle of the 2020s.

In August, the Minister of the Air Force US Deborah Lee James announced the Pentagon plans to deploy the latest group of fighters in Europe. "We will soon bounce the aircraft F-22 to Europe", - she said. The Minister explained that this measure is part of the implementation of the commitments in the framework of Washington's “European Reassurance Initiative”.
- We have already given guarantees of protection in the face of Russia stepped up to our allies in Europe. Yet, we and our European allies are seriously disturbed with the military actions of Russia in Ukraine, - said Deborah Lee James.
She also referred to the statement by the head of the Pentagon Ashton Carter, who announced last week that Russia is a "very, very serious threat" to the United States, and proclaimed a "new approach" to Moscow. Its essence lies in the combination of "strength and balance": the United States will strengthen its military capability and ensure the security of its NATO partners, yet, USA are ready to cooperate with Russia in the "areas of public interest", such as the fight against terrorism.

US President Barack Obama announced the launch of “European Reassurance Initiative” in June last year during his visit to Poland. The project for strengthening the presence of the US military, aviation and Navy in Europe is planned to draw $ 1 billion. The need for these steps is explained by NATO’s opposition to "aggressive actions" of Russia.

