US congressman: Biden family received over $20M in illegal payments

08/10/2023 3:31 AM

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform revealed funds received from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

U.S. Secretary of Defense via flickr
Republican from Kentucky and chairman of the House of Representatives' Committee on Oversight and Reform James Comer asserts that during Joe Biden's time as Vice President, his family received illegal payments totaling more than $20 million, including from businessmen from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, as sown in documents posted on the committee's website.

"Staff of the committee revealed payments from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that were made when Biden was Vice President. The Biden family and their business partners have received payments totaling more than $20 million from foreign sources, the Committee has now proven," according to the report.

The congressman assert that the money were sent to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, the business partner of Joe Biden, in 2014 by Russian entrepreneur Elena Baturina and Kazakh entrepreneur Kenes Rakishev through front businesses. Hunter Biden and Archer also got money from the fictitious company Rosemont Seneca Bohai on behalf of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings.

