US to commission first nuclear reactor built in 30 years

08/01/2023 7:12 AM

The project's completion "dragged on for years" and resulted in cost overruns, writes The Financial Times.

Charles C Watson Jr
Georgia's Vogtle nuclear power plant's third unit will soon start producing electricity. According to the Financial Times, it will be the first reactor constructed in the US in the previous 30 years.

According to the newspaper, the project's completion has "dragged on for years," resulting in "cost overruns measured in billions of dollars."

The third unit of the nuclear power station, which has a 1,100 megawatt capacity, was initially anticipated to be operational in 2016, and the fourth unit—in 2017. The launch of the fourth unit is now scheduled for 2024. The project's initial anticipated cost was $14 billion, but it eventually increased to more than $30 billion.

The nuclear power plant's owners, Southern and Scana, proceeded to build the reactor after Westinghouse Electric, a unit of the multinational conglomerate Toshiba, declared bankruptcy in 2017.


