The Strategist

Von der Leyen calls to develop EU defense industry within five years

02/29/2024 - 04:05

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated that the European Union must work on the future of the European security architecture "in all its dimensions, with all the necessary speed and political will".

European Parliament
European Parliament
"The threat of war may not be immediate, but it is not impossible either," she stated. "It's important to remember that the hazards are real and we need to be ready for them. And that begins with the pressing need to restock, reorganize, and update the armed forces of Member States."

She put down a challenge to the EU, asking it to "develop and produce the next generation of operational capabilities to win battles" and guarantee that "there is sufficient equipment and technological superiority" for the future.

The President of the European Commission views "encouraging joint defense acquisitions" as one of the primary goals of this policy and the European Defense Investment Program that underpins it. This will, in particular, enable defense companies to have a stable and predictable order book over the long run, and will support the industry's growth.
