WHO: COVID-19 cases in South-East Asia up by 481%

04/14/2023 3:23 AM

According to a weekly WHO epidemiological report, the number of COVID-19 cases grew by about 481% in south-east Asia and by 144% in the eastern Mediterranean over the month. However, the overall trend of cases, including those that result in fatalities, is dropping.

Asian Development Bank
Regionally, four of the six WHO regions saw a decline in the number of newly reported cases in 28 days: the African Region (-45%), Western Pacific Region (-39%), Americas Region (-33%) and European Region (-22%). In contrast, two WHO regions saw an increase in cases in South-East Asia Region (+481%) and Eastern Mediterranean Region (+144%).

The report shows that there were 3 million new cases and over 23 000 deaths reported globally in the past 28 days (13 March to 9 April 2023), which is a 28% and 30% decrease from the previous 28 days, respectively.

Between 13 March and 9 April 2023, the number of deaths rose in South East Asia and East Asia by 109% and 138%, respectively. The number of cases in India surged by 937 percent in a single month, from more than 6 000 to more than 66 000.

source: who.int
