WHO Director General names monkeypox international emergency

07/25/2022 3:54 AM

An outbreak of monkeypox in more than a dozen nations has been deemed an international public health emergency by the director general of the WHO. Over 16,000 cases of the illness have been reported, according to the group. The disease may pose significant risks in Europe.

UN Photo/Violaine Martin
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), has deemed the spread of the monkeypox virus an international health emergency.

According to him, more than 16,000 instances of infection have been found worldwide in 75 countries and territories, and five disease-related deaths have been reported. The virus has rapidly expanded in nations where it was previously undetected, and the risk of future worldwide spread is obvious, according to Ghebreyesus.

The organization rates the disease's risks as high in the European region and moderate in other parts of the world. The virus has spread quickly over the world thanks to new methods of transportation and humanity still doesn't fully understand it, which satisfies the requirements for a situation to be classified as an emergency, according to Gebreyesus.

Despite this, there is disagreement over the status among members of the WHO ad hoc committee that has researched and evaluated the illness situation.

The AP newspaper notes that that while the decision general indicates the greatest level of preparedness, it does not necessarily imply that the virus is highly contagious or lethal.

source: apnews.com

