The Strategist
World & Politics

EU to Create an Online Controller - 04/24/2015

The European Union is discussing the creation of a regulatory body to monitor Internet companies. The project’s authors warn that some websites, such as search engines and social networks "have transformed into super-nodes which can acquire systemic importance." The European Union is discussing the creation of a regulatory body to oversee the activities of Internet companies, which could pose a...

Klaus Schwab: Anticipating a New Brave Era of Adaptation - 04/23/2015

After the crisis of 2008, the world spent a lot of effort trying to get the economy back to the same rapid growth as before. But it is wrong to assume that the problems, caused by the crisis, are impermanent, and we should accept it and understand that the economy in the new "post crisis world" will work in new ways. The founder and president of the World Economic Forum in Davos Klaus Schwab...

Hillary Clinton Assisted Russia in Taking Control over US Uranium Deposits - 04/23/2015

Clinton couple took an active part in the transaction, as a result of which Russia gained control over much of the uranium deposits in the United States and Canada. According to the publication, a Russian company Rosatom in 2009-2013 acquired a controlling stake in Uranium One, which owns the rights to develop the large deposits of uranium in Kazakhstan and the United States. In this case, the...

French Student Arrested on Suspicion of Planning Attacks - 04/22/2015

French law enforcement authorities succeeded to prevent a terrorist attack. This was announced on Wednesday by Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. According to him, it was a detained radical Islamists, with weapons and ammunition, body armor, communications, Islamic literature. Arrested in the south-east of Paris turned to be 24-year-old student at the Faculty of Information Technology. Guns...

IMF and AMF signs MoU to deepen cooperation - 04/22/2015

The International Monetary Fund and the Arab Monetary Fund have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance cooperation in the region.   "This agreement will strengthen our partnership with the Arab Monetary Fund and allow us to tap into its vast expertise in the issues facing the region. It also illustrates our strong commitment to step up our engagement with the region in terms...

Prince William's Children Will Bring Millions of Dollars to British Economy - 04/21/2015

Children of Prince William and Kate Middleton - already born son and the expected baby, whose gender is not known yet, have a positive effect on the UK economy - said Director of the British Centre for Retail Research Joshua Bamfield to The Telegraph. According to the expert, the birth of Prince George, the first child of William and Kate, two years ago caused a sharp jump in retail trade, which...

ECB is Not Inclined to Help Greek Banks - 04/21/2015

The European Commission does not work on the possibility of a default by Greece, and on its way out of the Eurozone, told spokesman of the European Commission to reporters. - We will not comment on any assumptions about Greece’s default or exit of the Eurozone. We are not working on it - he said. On the eve of the Euro group’s meeting, which will take place in Riga on April 24, publication that...

Illegal migrants' death cause furor in EU - 04/21/2015

Around 900 illegal migrants are believed to be dead in the Mediterranean Sea as the boat they were sailing in capsized as they moved from various parts of Africa to the European Union. The incident happened outside of Libyan territorial waters near the Italian island of Lampedusa. Naval ships and commercial vessels involved in the rescue operation had managed to rescue 28 people and retrieve 24...

The Taylor Oil Spillage In The Gulf Of Mexico Still Remains A Mystery Even After Ten Years - 04/20/2015

An associates press investigations bring forth evidences which indicate the oil leakage of Taylor Energy Company has remained a secret to the public as the true figures of oil spillage and exact steps taken to secure the marine environment are still kept confidential. Gulf of Mexico – 20 April 2015 – Michael Kunzelman and Jeff Donn reports about the oil spill of 2004 that took place in the...

Ethiopia Announced Three Days of Mourning due the Murders in Libya; France Joins in Expressing Condolences - 04/20/2015

The Ethiopian government, two-thirds of which population are Christians, reported that the country's embassy in Egypt now is ascertaining the exact number of executed citizens, as well as trying to establish their identity. The Ethiopian Government has announced a three-day national mourning in connection with the killing of militants IG group of Christians in Libya, according to Agence...
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