The Strategist
World & Politics

Singapore Mourns Its Father - 03/23/2015

The first Prime Minister of Singapore, creator of the so-called economic miracle of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew has died at the age of 91. According to Reuters, the death occurred on Monday, March 23 at 03:18 local time in a hospital in Singapore. February 5 former prime minister was taken with acute pneumonia in the central hospital in Singapore. March 19 it became known that Lee Kuan Yew is in...

Cameron Revives Cold War Fund to Deal with Russia - 03/20/2015

Margaret Thatcher Foundation, which was created in 1989 to help countries that were in the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union, became a model for the program. British Prime Minister David Cameron has restored the program introduced by Margaret Thatcher to assist the countries of Eastern Europe to improve the quality of public administration and against Russian domination during the Cold War...

Report Terms ISIL Accused by the Human Right Commission - 03/20/2015

A report presented to the Human Rights Commission, holds the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant as perpetrators of international humanitarian laws. Iraq, UN News Centre- 19 March 2015- According to a United Nation’s statement of human-right, it appears that ISIL or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is charged against genocide, assaults on nationwide religious and ethnic sectors, and...

Chiesa: Europe is not Afraid to Challenge US - 03/20/2015

Italian journalist and former MEP Giulietto Chiesa thinks that all the BRICS countries will join Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and Washington will not cope with such a competitor easily. European’s accession to Chinese Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a challenge for the United States, said an Italian journalist and social activist, a former MEP, Giulietto Chiesa to Sputnik....

Lufthansa Pilots Keep on Strike - 03/19/2015

Pilots of the largest German airline Lufthansa extended the strike for one more day - until the end of Friday, March 20. Thus, they will not work for three days. As reported by the pilots of Germany civil aviation union Cockpit, Friday's strike will affect flights airlines short and medium range across the country. It is noted that the strike will not affect flights of Lufthansa subsidiaries,...

Indonesia growth interlinked with investment: World Bank - 03/19/2015

A new World Bank report has revealed that rapid growth in Indonesia will be strongly interlinked with investment growth in 2016. The March 2015 edition of the Indonesia Economic Quarterly noted that economic growth in the Asian country has moderated to 5.0 % in 2014. The country continues to be affected by lower global commodity prices caused by a slowdown in China. The report underlines the...

Europe approves China-led Asian investment bank - 03/18/2015

China-led Asian investment bank has been garnering slow and steady support from western nations. Right after Britain showed support to the bank, Germany, France and Italy have also come to the front with their approval. This combined support will be a blow to the US who is looking at any European engagement with China’s fast growing economy as a threat to the West-backed World Bank. Meanwhile,...

Is America on The Verge of Default? - 03/17/2015

US national debt exceeded 18 trillion and reached statutory "ceiling” on Monday, reported the Ministry of Finance. From Monday and until the approval of Congress new borrowing US Treasury will take "extraordinary" measures to continue to pay for the obligations of the government. The United States is one of the few countries where the law is set "ceiling" of government borrowing. US Treasury...

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Rivalry Leads to Nuclear Threats - 03/17/2015

If an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program fail, Saudi Arabia, too, will start its nuclear program, Riyadh said. The Saudis have always promised to respond to bomb bomb, but right now, when the negotiations are near to the completion, this issue is particularly troubling them. It threatens the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the entire Middle East. On Monday, an influential member of...

Russia Lowered Interest Rates – To Ease Struggling Economy - 03/16/2015

Key rate was lowered for the second time in an attempt to accelerate the economy. Central bank of Russia slashed it interest rate by 100 basis points to 14% in an effort to stimulate its struggling economy on 13th March 2015. As the economy is faltering, the inflation rate drops down. This move point towards regaining back of confidence and also that the worst scenarios of economic uncertainty...