The Strategist
World & Politics

World Bank suspends operations in Yemen - 03/13/2015

According to the international agency, a review of the impact of recent political developments in the country has exposed the risk on its bank programs, thus culling the operations temporarily in the country. The suspension is for all projects financed by the International Development Association (IDA). The IDA is World Bank’s specific arm for the world’s poorest countries. The review started...

IMF forecasts 7.2 % growth for India - 03/13/2015

International Monetary Fund has raised its growth forecast for India in the current fiscal to 7.2 percent. The organization has lauded the country calling it as a bright spot in the landscape of global economy while also pointing out obvious flaws in its growth curve. In the yearly assessment report, IMF has noted that India has emerged as one of the fastest-growing big emerging market...

Ukraine-A Turmoil in World Politics - 03/12/2015

The geopolitical tensions between Ukraine and Russia has sent ripple impacts across the globe. The start of year 2015 has proved rocky for the European democracy. This was mainly led by Eurozone crisis and rise of discontent within its political system that gave way to different forms of populism. The trade dispute triggered Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. With the withdrawal of government...

David Cameron to Neglect Moscow's WWII commemorations - 03/12/2015

British Prime Minister David Cameron does not intend to attend the May 9 military parade in Moscow dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, reported BBC This was reported by a representative of the prime minister on Thursday, citing reasons of diplomatic nature, said BBC Relations between London and Moscow have recently deteriorated markedly due to Russia's...

Corruption Becomes A Barrier For Papua New Guinea’s Development - 03/12/2015

Papua New Guinea fails to make any progress on the human development front in spite of its growth in GDP. What could be the possible reason? IPS informs that it is due to the corruption level which has been brought to light by ITFS and other anti-corruption teams. Sydney- 24 February 2015- Although GDP (Gross Domestic Production) rate of Papua New Guinea has seen a rise of eight percent, the...

Euro's Fall Appeared Higher Than Expected - 03/12/2015

Parity with dollar will be reached, most likely in 2015 - analysts converge in this major international banks. The rate of fall of the euro against the dollar surpassed all expectations: in 2015 the single currency began at $ 1.21, a year ago costing about $ 1.40. Over the past 12 months, euro fell against the dollar by almost 23% and is now worth $ 1.06. In summer of 2014 we talked about the...

Greece: New Elections or a Referendum? - 03/11/2015

The Eurogroup extended duration of Greece Financial aid program. However, the chance of salvation suddenly turned to the increase of internal government contradictions, argues Deutsche Welle. Intra-party disputes in the ruling coalition government in Greece are not only around the country's membership in the euro zone, but also on relations of Athens and creditors. In late February, the EU...

Sharp Turn of Economic Growth in Developing Countries - 03/10/2015

American economist, Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Dani Rodrik, noted in his column on the website Project Syndicate that recent discussion about economic growth in developing countries made a sharp turn. Inspiring, which was observed in recent years around the prospects of developing countries, has evaporated. According to him, there are only a few serious economists...

The Russians are Buzzing the skies all over Europe - 03/10/2015

There have been numerous citing of Russian military aircrafts flying with their transponders witched off, and coming close to civilian passenger planes. What should be NATO’s response to such threats? The Russians are back, flexing their muscles. Their warplanes are increasingly flying dangerously close to civilian aircrafts. And that too with their flight transponders off. Typically aircrafts...

World Bank projects 6 to 7% growth for Kenya - 03/09/2015

Thanks to the global oil price slump, Kenya is projected to be one of the speediest growing economies of Sub-Saharan Africa by a latest report published by the World Bank. According to the latest Kenya Economic Update (KEU) by the World Bank, Kenya’s growth is estimated to go up from last year’s 5.4% to 6-7%  over the next three years. The report noted that external and internal balances...
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