The Strategist

Yanis Varoufakis Is Caught at Love for Money and Luxury

10/27/2015 - 15:52

According to Greek and British press, former Minister of Finance of Greece Yanis Varoufakis, whose actions put the country on the brink of economic disaster, estimates his lectures for $ 60 thousand.

Valerij Ledenev via flickr
Valerij Ledenev via flickr
Yanis Varoufakis is believed to be the man who nearly brought the country to economic collapse. One of the ideologists of the ultra-left party "Syriza", he was given the post of Minister of Finance in the first government of Alexis Tsipras. Holding his office, he has managed to spoil relations with all the counterparts in the EU so much, that a compromise with creditors was only possible after his retirement, and then only on more stringent conditions than those the creditors initially offered themselves. After leaving the office of Minister of Finance, Mr. Varoufakis engaged himself in what he calls the creation of a "European network for the restoration of democracy in Europe."

This week, a scandal erupted around Mr. Varoufakis himself and his efforts to restore democracy in Europe. As it turned out, the Marxist-libertarian (as the former Minister of Finance of Greece describes himself) loves comfort and money.

Greek newspaper "Proto theme" was first to tell about these strange tastes of his. A journalist from the newspaper, pretending to be a potential customer, asked the agent of Mr. Varoufakis, Tatjana Marinko, for information about the fee and other conditions. As it turned out, outside of Europe Mr Varoufakis standard fee - $ 60 thousand. Within Europe, the former finance minister’s lections are cheaper: $ 5 th. for performance in any country of the continent, or $ 1.5 th. for university lectures. Mr. Varoufakis’ manager is an agency London Speaker Bureau. Payments, according to Mrs. Marinko, should be sent to a special account at HSBC in Oman, where, in fact, Mrs. Marinko lives.

In addition, as follows correspondence between Ms. Marinko and the Greek journalist, Yanis Varoufakis’ standard requirements include business class flight, appropriate hotel and transfers, paid restaurant bills and small and unexpected expenses.

It should be noted that the disclosure caused an extremely negative reaction in Greece, where no one has yet forgotten the queues at ATMs and cash advance rate of € 60 per day. In addition, Mr. Varoufakis seem to be caught in a lie: in his own words, in the three months that have passed since his resignation from his post as finance minister, he spoke at all sorts of events more than 40 times and earned only € 1100. According to London Speaker Bureau’s official data, it cannot be true, because, at least for the two most recent speech (in Singapore and Barcelona), he was to receive a minimum of $ 65 thousand.

Mister Varoufakis refused to comment on the report.


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