The Strategist

Morris: 'Democratic Deficit' & ‘General Malaise’ Make European Politics Unpredictable

04/25/2015 - 14:48

As mainstream-parties are seeing a change in their support pattern, creating unpredictable political trend in Europe, the parties remain under pressure, while the lesser known ones begin to come in the fore-ground.

Brussels – 22 April 2015 – Chris Morris reporting to B.B.C. News writes about unpredictable political trend of Europe. Morris points out that, so far, “European politica”, has constantly ruled with the theme of “fragmentation.” However, at present the traditional “mainstream” political parties are observing “a gradual decline” among their supporters in various European nations. In fact, the contributions of “disillusioned voters” striking out in unanticipated directions produce unforeseen results.
Greece has been one of the first countries to witness the breach in “old loyalties”.  Moreover, to Morris this trend seems “hardly surprising”, as Greece:
“...has just lived through the steepest recession a modern industrial democracy has ever seen.”
Contrarily, in Syria, being the “radical left coalition” as oppose to Greece, there is a governmental presence. Interestingly, Golden Dawn, being the right extremist, had been dismissed “as a Neo-Nazi organisation” by Syrian critics, exercises “a substantial parliamentary presence” in the country. Thus, brooding over the Grecian political future, Morris questions:
“But is Greece a one-off? Or is it the canary in the coal-mine?”
Casting a brief glance at the election scenario of France and Spain, it appears that the division between the centre’s left and the right wings will take a predictable course, whereas some expected it to be quite a sudden event. Nevertheless, when looked with a little more attention, some “fairly remarkable” numbers can be observed. Moreover, the ruling “Socialist party” of Spain’s southern region, which had been in power from 1980’s from the time when “Spanish democracy” was restored, has had a tough competition for the winning race.
However, the radical-left party, namely Podemos of “Spanish Syriza” bagged fifteen percent vote, which amounts to a “little more than a year after the party was formed”. The “People’s Party”, from the centre’s right wing, received the second highest votes overall, whereas the party lost badly in Andalucia and now it governs in Madrid. As a result of the treat coming from both the wings, the PP will remain concerned.
In fact, even in 2008, the two main parties of Spain, namely the PP and the Socialist, had both jointly acquired eighty four percent of the total vote counts. This trend is most unlikely to repeat when Spain goes for another poll in the coming years. Moreover, the party of Podemos is rising now, even though it lags a little behind the above mentioned parties.
However, in France, Front National party of Marine Le Pen, failed to top in the poll during the “first round” in the local election, whereas many thought, Front National may steal the show. Nevertheless, the party secured the second position with the acquisition of “more than 25% of the vote”. Consequently, the Socialist party, which was ruling, got pushed to the third position. The ranking of Front National party being second is a testimony to the fact that the people support their call against anti-immigration and anti-EU message.
The same scenario, suggesting a movement of “some political fault lines”, reflect in other nations on the European content as the Five Star Movement rises in Italy as well as in UKIP, while Alternative for Germany, in short AfD, does so in Germany.
Morris writes these unpredictable movements are the partial effect of “economic crisis” whereby proving the failure of the mainstream-parties to live up to the people’s expectations. Moreover, a “general malaise” which influenced the people for they feel “that ordinary lives are being buffeted by forces and institutions beyond the control of voters”, combined with 'democratic deficit', have been at the root cause of this radical shift in the voting trend.


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